In large parts of the U.S., the late summer heat is no joke, and even the most heat-friendly garden crops like tomatoes and peppers can get cranky during a severe heat wave. But with some smart, short and long-term solutions, your garden can survive the heat and stay green and productive. Check the forecast. Some […]
It sounds easy, but as countless parents can attest, getting kids ready for school and out the door can be a significant struggle. However, with some planning and consistency, you can get that morning routine down to a science and make sure everybody starts the day off right. * Plan outfits the night before. Eliminate […]
It’s pretty, it would look great in your garden, and since your local garden center carries it, there’s no way it’s a destructive invasive species, right? Not necessarily. According to Epic Gardening, while garden centers are mostly knowledgeable about the plants that they sell and most don’t carry invasive species, destructive plants slip through the […]
Green-thumbed homeowners and condo dwellers can get in touch with nature and add beauty to patios, balconies, and window boxes. Container gardens can be beautiful and can be grown in both sunny and shady spaces. Places that get full sun can be used to grow almost any flower or vegetable. Others are good for shade […]
In most years, New Year messages wonder what we will remember about the old year. As far as 2020 goes, you have to ask: What won’t we remember? A lot of it won’t be in the fond memory category. But some of it will be. In January 2020, did you think it would be possible […]
We are delighted that you are our client and have entrusted the health of your home to Housekeeping Associates. We know that with flu season and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, some of you might be thinking about Housekeeping Associates more than usual. First, and most important, our entire staff is committed to consistently using processes […]